Kevin Bartolome

Software Engineer

Hi I'm Kevin and I've been doing programming since a young and at the start of 2022 I decided that I really wanted to dive deep into learning programming, so what I did was enroll into App Academy's 6 month Software Development bootcamp.

During that time I worked on 4 different projects, with 2 of them being team projects. My experience working within a team has given me the knowledge and toolkit necessary to be able to seamlessly integrate myself with a team.

I'm always trying to learn new things and enjoy tackling new challenges every day, so I'm confident I can learn any technology that is required and quickly be proficient at it.

Resume (PDF)
View Here
Contact Me
(818) 585-4773


Google Search Engine Clone

Project Start/End: November 2022 - Present
Technologies Used: Next.js, React.js, Tailwind CSS, Google OAuth, NextAuth, Google Cloud Platform, Vercel

Full-stack Google Clone app built using Next.js - provides complete functionality as if user was on the real Google website

Here are some key features:

  • Designed using Next.js to enable server side rendering to improve user experience by speeding up how fast pages load
  • Architected Google OAuth with NextAuth to provide secure user login without need to risk of exposing account details
  • Implemented Google's Search Engine API to replicate 100% accurate results for both search and images results
Project Link - GitHub Repo

J.A.R.V.I.S. - Automated Personal Assistant (Discord Bot)

Project Start/End: August 2022 - Present
Technologies Used: Python, Discord API, Google Cloud Platform (Google Calendar API), OpenWeather API, Geolocation API

Inspired by Iron Man's AI Assistant - a Discord bot designed to be a personal assistant, executes and automates tasks via custom commands on Discord.

I'm always thinking of new features to add to it, the next ones I plan to implement are Twitter API and Reddit API. In addition I'm thinking of adding more features such as getting the latest news from a certain news website, retrieving a word's definition or synonyms, creating a note, storing images, and getting traffic details for a trip.

Here are some key features that are currently functional:

  • Leveraged Replit and Uptime Robot in order to keep the Discord bot running and available 24/7
  • Designed to respond to specific chat commands and performs actions or API calls based on those chat messages
  • Utilized a Geolocation API to locate a user’s geographical location details when provided an IP address
  • Used a Weather API to get a city’s weather forecast, accepts multiple commands such as zip code or city name
  • Introduced Google Calendar API to allow bot to add events to my personal Google Calendar through a command
Project Link - GitHub Repo

Vacay N Stays (Python Backend)

Project Start/End: June 2022 - July 2022
Technologies Used: Python, Google Cloud Platform, SQLAlchemy, Docker, AWS S3, PostgreSQL, React, Redux, Heroku

Vacay N Stays is a single page marketplace app where users can book vacations at luxurious and unique spots.

Here are some key features related to the project:

  • Maximized group workflow efficiency by organizing individual project tasks for each team member by using GitHub's Kanban Board to implement Agile Development Methodologies
  • Enhanced user experience by utilizing Google Maps API to dynamically display the location on a map as well as additional map functionality such as directions, zooming, and panning on the map based on user input and property location
  • Ensured user privacy and autonomy through frontend authentication measures and React Router, allowing users to only access and make changes to their own listings and reservations when logged in
  • Connected the Python back end to AWS S3 for media storage and organization while maintaining content security with AWS IAM
  • Incorporated Redux architecture's unidirectional data flow with React for predictable state and reliable DOM rendering
Project Links - GitHub Repo & Live Link to Website

Wallpapr (Node.js Backend)

Project Start/End: May 2022 - June 2022
Technologies Used: JavaScript, AWS S3, Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, React, Redux

Wallpapr is an image sharing single page app where users can share their favorite desktop wallpapers as well as view other users' uploads and profiles.

Here are some key features related to the project:

  • Engineered with Redux to create a single page app to dynamically render React components without a refresh
  • Generated a Node.js backend using the Sequelize ORM to handle validations and PostgreSQL database queries
  • Implemented a custom modal framework using React component architecture allowing for efficient development of new forms
  • Used AWS S3 for user image uploads, reducing overall server load and allowing for future scalability of the web app's image uploading and sharing services
Project Links - GitHub Repo & Live Link to Website

Technical Skills

Programming Languages & Tools
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Flask
  • Redux
  • PostgreSQL
  • Node.js
  • Google Maps API
  • AWS S3
  • Docker
  • HTML5
  • CSS3

Work Experience

App Academy

Instructional Assistant
Assisted 100+ students in the software development life cycle, conducting in-depth product design and daily code reviews for each project and providing guidance on project feature requirements to ensure high quality deliverables.

Provided one-on-one mentorship for each student through daily standups, conducting an average of 2 hours of mentorship per week for each student.
2022 - Present


Product Manager - eCommerce Store
Successfully researched and designed three custom products, resulting in over 500 units sold in the first month of each product's launch. This contributed to the overall success and growth of the company.
2019 - 2022

Professional Gaming

Blizzard Entertainment / Razer Inc.
Led team of 20-25 members. Responsible for conflict management, performance evaluation, presentations, and recruitment. Earned top 4 in Blizzard official national tournament in 2020 (~10M total players) and qualified for the global finals.
2018 - 2020


App Academy

Software Development Bootcamp
App Academy is a full-time software development bootcamp based in San Francisco that teaches the core principles of data structures & algorithms, and full-stack web development in an accelerated curriculum that spans 24 weeks.

The tech stack focused on JavaScript, Python, SQL (Postgres), ORMs, React.js, Node.js, Flask, Docker, HTML, CSS, with all projects utilizing Docker with GitHub Actions for continuous integration and continuous deployment.

California State University, Northridge

Bachelor of Arts
Major: Psychology
2015 - 2019

Interests & Hobbies

I am fully capable of learning new languages, frameworks, and libraries since I was able to produce multiple full stack applications through newly learned material from my past projects and apply reusable high quality code in both solo and group projects.

I hope to learn from developers more experienced than I, whether it's through feedback, criticism, or code reviews. I'm hoping to improve my current skills as well as learn new technologies - and most importantly, to quickly be a worthwhile contributor to the team.

My primary languages are Python, JavaScript, and SQL. I have experience building full stack single page applications and have worked in both the frontend and backend using technologies such as React, Node, Flask, Postgres, Docker, AWS, and Google Cloud Platform.

I've played games at a competitive level for over 10 years, so self motivation, drive, and being able to communicate and work together with a team come naturally to me. And because of that experience I also consider myself coachable and able to receive any type of feedback or criticism.